Japanese street fashion has a variety of trends and styles. Youth were more elaborate in their dressing patterns and make-up. Bright colours, eccentric patterns, hand-made garments, heavy jewellery, mixing and matching jeans and tank tops with traditional wear like kimonos, is their way of making statements about their cultural influences and way of life. Lolita dress, Kogal, Cosplay, Ganguro are some of the most sought after styles that Japanese youth display on the streets. Lolita dress is a style with many subcultures, such as Punk Lolita dress, where chains, beads, lace and wristbands are popular accessories along with pink and peach colour prints. Gothic Lolita dress focuses on styles emerging from the Victorian age such as dark colours, black make-up, heavy brooches, and ribbons. Anyone can wear Lolita dress, but having raccoon eyes or hot pink eyeshadow does not look good with your classic style Innocent World jumperskirt. Try to match your makeup to the style. Gothic? Dramatic deep eyeshadow and a crimson lip work well. Country? Natural, light makeup and pink cheeks do the trick. But no matter what, do not use whiteface makeup. It looks very costume-like and horrible, and only 80’s era goths are known and should be known for doing that.