The term "Lolita dress" may be off-putting to those who first hear about the fashion because of the connotation it holds from Vladimir Nabokov's novel, "Lolita dress", which changed the meaning of the name for most people in the Western world. It is generally assumed though that the name of the fashion comes from a distortion of the meaning while word-borrowing from English. In the case of the fashion the term "Lolita dress" only refers to the child-like nature of some of the clothes and is also used because of the beauty or cuteness of the name. Lolita dress Fashion is emphatically not about looking sexy and is instead about looking cute or elegant. In addition to being a fashion, some people enjoy living a "Lolita dress Lifestyle" in which one sees Lolita dress as more of a philosophy of living beautifully rather than just dressing it. Someone living a Lolita dress Lifestyle may try and live like a princess, surrounding themselves with things of beauty, and taking part in a number of ‘proper’ feminine activities such as baking, embroidery, sewing and other old-fashioned "women's" activities. Lolita dress fashion is a popular form of fashion that puts a modern spin on 19th century European styles. Originating in Japan, Lolita dress fashion is popular among Japanese youths. This particular fashion trend utilizes ruffles, lace and Gothic trends to create a unique style of fashion. Popular Lolita dress pieces include knee length skirts, knee high socks, blouses, petticoats and platform shoes. Find free patterns online from which to create the Lolita dress look.