It is not clear as to where Lolita dress fashion originated from, but it is likely it began in the late 1970s with big labels such as Angelic Pretty, Milk, and Pink House began selling clothes that, by today's standards, are considered Lolita dress. Shortly after, companies such as The Stars Shine Bright, Baby, and Metamophose temps de fille came about, expanding the availability of the fashion to the growing Lolita dress population. In the 1990's, the recognition of Lolita dress Fashion grew larger. Bands such as Visual Kei and Malice Mizer became popular and began to mainstream the style with their intricate costumes that fans later adopted as their own, adding their own style. The style then spread from the Kansai region into Tokyo where it then spread through the Japanese youth culture like wildfire. Today, Lolita dress fashion is so popular that it is not uncommon to find a Japanese department store that carries the style. It is also not unusual to find many young people wearing the fashion all over the world.