Elegant Gothic Lolita dress mainly in black and white in order to express the mystery of death as well as the feeling of terror. They usually wear crosses silver and other decorations with heavy makeup such as black nails eye shadow to emphasize mystery.
lthough "Lolita dress" originated in the West but "gothic Lolita dress dresses" is established by the Orientals. Westerners and Orientals have different image and taste towards "Lolita dress". "gothic Lolita dress clothing" of Japan is representative of the East "Lolita dress clothing" style show very distinct features: a baby doll styled dress with lots of lace ribbon bows and waist design.
A Lolita dress outfit is said to have an intricate design, following the beauty and elegance of the Victorian and Rococo eras. Contrary to what gothic Lolita dress cosplayers portray, a true-blue Lolita dress fan does not show too much skin and has a style that leans towards the cute rather than the sexy. Aside from the expensive materials used in creating a Lolita dress outfit, the accessories also make a whole Lolita dress ensemble hard to put together. Yes, they may be expensive but no Lolita dress get-up will be complete without accessories.