Lolita dress fashion originated in Japan street and inspired by the clothing style in the Rococo and Victorian era. This fashion first began in the 1980′s in Japan and gradually it’s influence is expanded all around the world. More and more young women in the Europe and America like to wear Lolita dress and discussion is the hot on the internet. The lolita dress style has since developed into multiple sub-genres, the most notable being gothic lolita dress (known in Japan as gosurori, a contraction of the phrase 'gothic lolita'. Where traditional lolita clothing pastel colours, embroidered cotton prints and lace, and sometimes carry toys such as porcelain dolls or teddy-bears, the gothic lolita is more likely to wear black lace, monotone black, grey or white dresses, and crosses or crucifixes in a style more akin to Western Goth. Lolita is an interesting fashion, in that there is an incredible variety of styles within it: so much so that it is very easy for a newbie to become overwhelmed. I have often seen questions of this nature: Can I be Lolita if I don't like too much lace? Am I a "real" Lolita if I only like Punk Lolita dress? Do I have to choose only one style and stick with it forever? Can I wear Sweet and Gothic style together?