News, a monthly magazine on sale on the 26th of this month, Comp-Ace5 month (Kadokawa, bookstore), cover and frontispiece, the rumor comic "Fate / stay night Fate / kaleid liner, It is to enter the planning phase of the animated and posted on the mushrooms of the original author Nasu and Takashi Takeuchi interviews. Other detailed information is yet available.
TYPE-MOON was first launched, the animation of "Tsukihime", due to the limited quality of its production did not achieve better results and evaluation, and then "Fate / stay night" positive animation response is slightly better but still not ideal. However, since 2007 Nasu mushroom "empty realm of" series Movie quality launch and the animation of "FATE / ZERO" outstanding results, and finally the TYPE-MOON thoroughly appreciate the sweetness of high-quality animation, its animation have not hesitated to Costly achieved sales performance over the same period in animation. The current trend "Fate / kaleid, liner, Magical Girl ☆ Yi Liya" animation should be a conscience for the worthy of the fans expect.
"Fate / kaleid liner “comics of Japan by TYPE-MOON "Fate / stay night," the debut characters, and magical girl theme rumor. Character set with the original difference, while the same character with the original. Comic in Japan, "Digest of the Comp of Ace magazine in November 2007 began serialization in the original is the TYPE-MOON, the painting is a wide mountain-hung. This as "fate kaleid liner prisma illya" derivative works, worldview is basically the original as a benchmark, including the "Character material published in" love because of Iriya "is hereby family of elements. fate kaleid liner prisma illya serialized in the monthly Comp of Ace magazine in January 2009, the end, the outcome is included in Volume II of the booklet. From the monthly Comp of Ace "June 2009, the launch sequel serial Fate / kaleid, and liner, Magical Girl ☆ Yi Liya Zwei". The seiyuu array from this for the launch of the radio drama seiyuu composition can be seen that its main role is still inherited the original cast of "Fate / stay night," the new role is also very luxurious. FATE series of traditional role seiyuu array has been used in its animation, the animated should not change, see the list (undetermined role not listed).